Monday, December 27, 2010

Jon Stewart: Our Hero

Tip of the Hat to Jon Stewart for devoting all of his last episode before The Daily Show's holiday break to the 9/11 responders bill--you can see the full episode here--saving the legislation almost single-handed. I'm not the only one singing his praises. First, the White House commended Stewart for his role in reviving the bill. Now, even the New York Times is making the comparison to Edward R. Murrow. (h/t)

And a related Wag of my Finger to the mainstream news who apparently forgot about the bill, along with their roles as journalists.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Values Voting

The Senate finally ratified the new START Treaty, 71-26, more than eight months after it was signed by Obama and Medvedev. And they finally passed a nearly two-year-old bill providing compensation to 9/11 responders and clean-up crews, and even then, only after reducing both how much and how long funding would be available. But, you know national security and caring for the heroes of September 11 are not as important as tax cuts for the rich.

Welcome to the new Republican Party.