Sunday, December 13, 2020

Dear Congressman Walberg

As your constituent, I am profoundly disappointed in your decision to sign on to a legal brief supporting Texas’s lawsuit against Michigan and other states. While there were admittedly inconsistencies in how the election was conducted in Michigan, it is clear from the evidence that these inconsistencies were:

  • The result of human error and not a conspiracy to steal the election or defraud the public;
  • In many cases corrected over the course of tallying the results, indicating the electoral process was functioning as intended; and
  • Insignificant relative to the number of votes cast and the margin of victory in Michigan.
These inconsistencies merit investigation and practical solutions, potentially including national guidelines and federal funding, to ensure elections are conducted securely and results are tallied accurately and efficiently in the future. These inconsistencies do not merit, as Texas sought, the extraordinary step of throwing out our votes and having the State Legislature select Michigan’s electors instead. This suit, and your support of it, not only undermines Joe Biden’s legitimacy as the rightful president-elect but also the public’s faith in our democracy and the electoral process. I expect real leadership from you on this issue in the future instead of acquiescing to the irrational demands of soon-to-be former President Donald Trump and his supporters.