Friday, April 25, 2008

BS Express?

As just about everyone has seen this stock footage of Barack Obama's former pastor as well as heard the unnecessary, trivialized debates surrounding Obama's patriotism and Christian faith. However, while Obama has had to manage sharp criticism surrounding this issue, what happens when a white Republican candidate has a pastor endorse him that is just as radical, if not more so? Also, what questions regarding McCain's faith are being raised when McCain "isn't a full member of his church because he has never undergone the adult baptism that membership requires?"

Well, nothing apparently.

If the American election process is going to criticize a black candidate for at one time having a radical pastor, then it should at least give equally sharp rebuke to a white candidate who currently accepts the endorsement of a radical pastor, whose views are along the lines of such polarizing figures as Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell. Maybe since McCain sold his soul back in 2006 at the commencement speech at Falwell's Liberty College, the "Straight Talk Express" has gotten a case of the B.S.

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