In other Iraq news, US Army officials announced that the suidice rate among soldiers has reached an all-time high. "Officials calculate the deaths at a rate of roughly 20.2 per 100,000 soldiers — which is higher than the adjusted civilian rate for the first time since the Vietnam War, officials told a Pentagon news conference," reports Pauline Jelinek of the Associated Press. For the rest of the article, please click here.
Blackwater Worldwide, a private security company, was officially booted out of Iraq today at the demand of the Iraqi government. Blackwater has been under harsh scrutiny for their lack of oversight and regulation, especially since September of 2007 when Blackwater employees allegedly killed 17 Iraqi civilians. For more, please click here.

Additionally, Reza Aslan, a renowned scholar on Islam and columnist recently published an article for The Daily Beast entitled "Obama's Nuclear Problem." In the column, Aslan stated that Barack Obama must clearly and publicly declare that a policy of regime change is no longer on the table. Aslan also writes that I.R. Iran may not actually want nuclear weapons for several reasons, but "only by convincing Iran that it has nothing to fear, either from Israel or from the US, or from the growing chorus of Arab states lined up against it, can we convince it to reign in its nuclear ambitions." For the full article, please click here.

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